DAISY AI Following a couple of exciting updates & announ

Limitless Blockchain SportsDate:11-18-2023 Views:
Following a couple of exciting updates & announcements: 
1. The Crypto AI has been officially finalised .
2. In order to execute, the Crypto AI needs to be fully connected, which implements new coding. This is a huge process and in order to not only keep everyone’s funds safe, but to let them grow, it has been decided to move ALL remaining Crypto funds into the Forex AI Fund. 
That way Dr. Anna & her team can fully focus on the technical side of getting the new AI connected .
3. The above results in pausing the crypto contributions in the meantime. 
Therefore by end of this week, everyone will be able to join daisy with a forex contribution only, instead of the combo pack. 
4. Momentum Packs from tier 6 to tier 10 will remain with 90% into live trading until end of November. 
Momentum Packs Tiers 2-5 will be placing 85% into live trading for testing and development purposes .
5. From December 1st onwards all Momentum Packs will be reduced to 85%.
6. From January 1st until the limitless2024.com event in Dubai all Momentum Packs will be reduced to 80%. 
7. Equity of Endotech will be available only & exclusively until the the limitless2024.com event. 
8. The 1st daisy crowdfund (Endotech) will end in Dubai and will transform into a decentralised fund model. 
9. At the same time (February 21st), the new and very exciting daisy project will be launched .
10. First infos regarding the new project will be announced during the leadership event in Phuket, which will take place the second week of December. 
11. There will be a global call December 1st AND a global call live from Phuket. 
Make sure to be on both calls . 
12. If you haven’t yet, go and get your ticket for Dubai right now. 
Just connect your with daisy registered wallet via the TronLink dApp browser to limitless2024.com and follow the purchase instructions. 
 Last opportunity to get equity 
 Last opportunity to place up to 90% into live trading 
 Prelaunch positioning 
 A 3 year proven track record 
Let’s go 

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Limitless Blockchain Sports,In Phase 1 development for 19 months, with over $30M invested; Highly competent & accomplished team of experts. Over 600 employees;Step into the Limitless world of our newest project - Blockchain Sports - where everyone wins! Own Exclusive Founders Nodes on the ATLETA Blockchain, earning Atla Coin Daily.

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